This question has been debated over the years. It is still a controversial issue to determine what influences individuals’ personality and behaviour. The genetic makeup of an individual determines their appearance and character. While nature is dependent on a person’s genetic combination, nurture is dependent upon the environmental influences that influence a person’s personality. The environment and nurture have a significant impact on individuals’ development. Serial killers are often the result of poor childhood experiences and lack of care. However, I will show you examples of serial killers that are not the result of bad childhood experiences. Serial killers or serial murderers are those who kill multiple victims in a short time. Murders usually have no connection to the victims and are often unconnected. The murderer’s purpose is psychological. Murderers are usually sexually deviant and have sex with their victims. Many children are raised in dysfunctional homes and often abused or neglected as infants. They pray for the vulnerable, including young women, teenagers, prostitutes, or children. Nature’s theory says that human behaviour is innate and part of our nature. Jeffery Danger, a notorious serial criminal, was thought to be the possible explanation. This theory is supported by scientists who claim brain damage can be caused by this unexplained behaviour, especially in the frontal lobe. In addition to emotional distress, damage to the limbic and hypothalamus areas can cause loss of control, decision impairment, anger and abuse. Rutigliano claims that the frontal region is responsible in large part for maintaining healthy, acceptable social relationships. Scientists agree that the frontal lobe is our moral compass. Without this crucial guidance, dystopic outcomes would result. Four universities conducted research that showed people with severe frontal lobe damage experienced real-life social problems and lacked empathy. Ted Bundy (one of the most well-known serial murderers in the world) is an example of this. Ted Bundy says that he doesn’t feel guilty about anything. Others scientists suggested that uncontrollable rage, hostility, and guilt could result from the absence of the limbic System in the brain. John Wayne may have killed 33 young men because of this nature theory. John Wayne Gacy Jr., aged six, was unconscious after his father beat him with a broomstick. Gacy also experienced blackouts at times when he was eleven years old after he was struck with a swing. Scientists who believe in nature theories suggest that Gacy’s violent and abnormal behavior could have been caused by a severe head injury. There is also a theory called nurture. This theory looks at how an individual controls external influences during socialization. These factors can include how the parents affected the child and whether or not the child was raised by them. This could have an impact on their ability to control the environment. The result is a person with different expectations, values, and moral convictions than the rest of society. Henry Lee Lucas, serial killer, lost one eye when it got infected after a fight with a brother. Later, a friend described Lucas as a child who was often able to draw attention with his bizarre behavior. Lucas’ mother was a prostitute and forced him to observe her clients. She also made him dress up in public to get customers. This behavior could be the reason Lucas sexually assaulted his victims and then killed them. Without a moral conscience, he accepted this behavior as normal. Children who were sexually, emotionally, and physically abused were three times more likely to be violent than adults who weren’t. This violence is one of the main factors in serial killers. This anger manifests and leads to a series dreadful, violent sexual murders. This is all done to subdue years of defenselessness and humiliation as a young serial killer.

They are not idealized as children and have a hard time developing an ego. Many believe that the actions and motivations of serial killers cannot be explained away because of their upbringing. According to nutrition theory, such behaviour can be attributed to an abnormality or a ‘evil genetic’ that leads to violent and murderous behavior. Ted Bundy’s mom was interviewed about the Netflix series by her. She stated that Ted behaved in an unusual manner than his siblings. She told how Ted would sneak out at night to escape his aunt’s house and hide knives under her sheets. It is believed chemical imbalances can lead to violent behavior. Monoamine oxidase A, also known by MAO-A. MAO-A, an enzyme encoded in the MAOA gene in humans, is known as MAO-A. The MAO-A gene has been linked to anti-social behavior. It was discovered that abuse children who have higher levels MAO-A genes are less likely to engage in anti-social and aggressive behavior. This claim is supported by many animal and human studies. One notable study is the ‘Brunner, 1993’ study, which examined males in a Dutch family that was exhibiting high levels aggression. Five males in the family were identified to have the MAOA-disfunctioning gene. The dysfunctional gene was not found in any of the females. The MAOA is carried on X chromosome. Females can have 2 x genes even if they are affected by the MAOA dysfunction. However, the MAOA gene in their corresponding gene x chromosome may be useful. Another theory of nurture is the Social Learning Theory. Social learning theory explains how traits are developed through training or through punishments and rewards. But this doesn’t mean that serial killers were taught to kill by watching other people kill. So we must focus on the idea of punishment and rewards. Bandura’s Social Learning Theory argues that people are influenced by their past experiences and learn from them. Modeling can be a powerful way to model offensive and violent behavior. These patterns are passed from one generation to the next, and can be picked up by their parents. Social factors can also affect individuals and they may learn from their peers. Modeling is a great way to learn from serial killers. Research has shown that aggressive behaviour can also be learned from family, culture, or social media. Children who grew up with abusive parents are more likely to copy their behavior. Interactive media, such as movies and games, can be a powerful tool in teaching kids how to behave. Luka Magnotta killed Jun Lin, a college-aged student. It was his own version of the 90s thriller ‘Basic Instinct. Magnotta was obviously obsessed with 1992’s ‘Basic Instinct’. Detective Nick Curran falls in love with Catherine Tramell (played brilliantly by Sharon Stone), a mystery author who leaves behind a trail that shows the murders she has committed. Tramell repeatedly beat Boz with an electric pick. Magnotta killed Lin with a screwdriver, which he had modified to look as an icepick.

Nature supporters take into account DNA and biological links to our parents. However, not everyone serial killers are born in deplorable circumstances. David Berkowitz is the serial killer most commonly thought to have been created primarily by nature. Berkowitz was quiet, polite, and a good friend as a young child. David was raised by Nathan Berkowitz and Pearl Berkowitz, who were supportive and loving parents. David was raised in a happy, healthy environment. Although his upbringing may not have been the cause of his later actions, it is believed that something within his nature led to these acts. It is possible that biological factors contributed to David’s behavior, even though there are no records of David’s criminal or mental history. It is evident that his adoption parents did not provide the right nurturing for him to become the murderer he was. Berkowitz claimed that his motive for killing was to “keep demons away.” He said that the demons in the back of his mind would not cease to torture him and that he had to do what they wanted. Berkowitz added that Berkowitz believed that dogs would howl and ask him to kill females.

His mental problems continued to affect his adult life. He believed that his home owners were part of a demon conspiracy. Berkowitz moved to another apartment, but he was still controlled by the demons. This evidence shows that David Berkowitz was suffering from psychological dysfunction. It is most likely that this disorder was inherited. The XYY condition is a serial killer-like syndrome. Some serial killers were born with an extra-X chromosome. Klinefelter’s Syndrome, or Bobby Joe Long as he was known, is a syndrome that causes high levels of oestrogen. It is a hormonal hormone that regulates the body’s reproduction. His breasts started to grow during puberty. This caused him great embarrassment as well as anger. Bobby used his anger to rape over 50 women in a period of thirty years. In 1983, Bobby raped 10 women in a 10-week span. People with the XYY syndrome may be more motivated to kill and more sadistic. Gosavi Gaujbe studied the role chromosomes play in criminality. He examined 140 murder cases and searched for abnormalities to determine if they had chromosomes that could have been influenced by their crimes. He found a clear association between the variables. However, he advised that further research be done on other cases to confirm his findings. Researchers thought that the XYYY type could lead to more aggressive behavior in males. This condition was often called the’supermale’ syndrome in popular media. Early studies in prisons and mental institutions confirmed this hypothesis. People with the XYY Syndrome can be more violent and sadistic than those without it. After weighing the evidence, I am convinced that serial killers are made. Although nature plays a significant role in the creation of serial killers, it is not as important as nurture. Children from unhappy families develop distant and closed personalities. Unhappy children can be violent and even dream of killing others. All the victims were psychologically, emotionally, and sometimes even sexually traumatized young. To cope, they developed bitterness, antisociality, and violence. They became serial killers over time. They suffer from a difficult childhood which makes them feel closed off and resentful of humanity. This makes it easier to kill other humans. Although serial killers can be attributed to nature, it is possible that some may believe they are the result of nurture.


  • kaylynnnewman

    I am Kaylynn Newman, an educational blogger and mother. I am passionate about helping others learn and grow, and I believe that education is the key to a successful future. I am a teacher's helper and an Adolescent/Teen education advocate. I also offer online coursework and resources for parents and educators.