Of Mice and Men, a novel by John Steinbeck, was written as a way to introduce us to the American situation at the time. The book is not a happy, joyous piece of writing but it should be highlighted because of the interesting ethical issues that are discussed throughout. Sometimes, authors use the skills they possess to point out mistakes or show us that there is more than one way to handle a given situation. Two men are on an adventure, and their goal is to earn money and explore the world. This essay analyzes the themes of alienation in the book and how it affects our behavior. It is true that time is universal but can influence the way people think about certain topics. Of Mice and Men, which was inspired by John Steinbeck’s personal experience of being a bindle stout, is one of his many masterpieces. Others include East of Eden and “Cannery Row” or Grapes of Wrath. In 1935, his career was launched with the publication “tortilla apartment”. It was a big success. The author became more talented with each book. Of Mice and Men is a title that comes from Robert Burns’ poem ‘To A Mouse’. Steinbeck chose a phrase from ‘To a Mouse’ and then gave it new meaning. The book is about Lennie and George Milton, two displaced ranch workers who are looking for work in California during the Great Depression. As they wander, they come across many characters including Candy (an elderly ranch handyman), Slim the driver of an mule-team and the owner the farm, or Curley the semi-professional boxer son. Crooks, the black stablehand with a crooked spine. Candy’s dog is a blind and stinky dog that Stanley killed. The book Of Mice and Men deals with loneliness, alienation and the hardships we face in life. The book is about two migrant worker in 1930. George and Lennie are their names. The two are unlike the vast majority of migrants, who prefer to travel alone. They still do well, despite the obvious differences. When we read, we can observe how characters affect the plot. This action gives us a fresh perspective on a problem. There is one thing that you need in order to be emotionally stable. Even if one’s needs are subjective and change with the seasons, patterns exist in society. Healthy relationships are based on friendships and connections with others. Often overlooked, but having a huge impact on the way we live our lives and think. They would prevent loneliness and isolation, which are unpleasant as we have seen in the book. This leads to depression and low self-esteem, which are part of the false cycle. Of Mice and Men has characters such as Crooks and Candy and Curley’s spouse who are all lonely. Steinbeck focuses on the loneliness and depression which lead to more severe illnesses. “Crook, a black male who lives in a racist society, is isolated”. Crooks tries to befriend people and form bonds, but the results are not always positive. Crooks may be treated differently by others because of his blackness. He doesn’t know how to deal with others. That is why he responds in the same manner as others. It is interesting to see how his actions mirror what others do. This contrasts what we think of as a real problem with what we actually perceive. Just by observing people and their behavior, we can make conclusions. Nobody likes being forced to live or work with horses. Crooks spent a lot of time reading at night, aloof from other people. Self-protection is something that we do in every era. This ultimately led to Crooks’ emotional collapse at the end. It is not new to discover that external factors like friends can influence our overall wellbeing. However, this does show the impact environment has on us. Book characters are not all bad guys. George is one such person who shows concern for Lennie. He wants to protect Lennie and not have anything bad happen to him. George would be guilty if something bad happened to Lennie. Those themes will never go away, no matter what. It is easy to see how loneliness or alienation can illustrate this. Although they may be presented from various perspectives, their purpose remains the same – to convey a message, to present reality in an image that’s personalized. All of us need someone we can always rely upon. This is due to our biology, which makes us social beings. George would not allow Lennie the opportunity to speak during their job interview. Lennie would probably not succeed in the interview if he were to use his cognitive abilities. George was required to answer the questions in a manner that would increase their chance of landing a job. Lennie’s foolishness, childishness, and strength are portrayed by the public as being a toddler with a man body. He is prone to receiving negative remarks, which are common. John Steinbeck’s Of Mice and Men depicts the story of a friendship between two people set against the American Depression of 1930s. Subtle, but revealing in its portrayal of America’s working class, this book reveals the true hopes and aspirations they have. The short book elevates poor people’s lives to a more symbolic level. The ending of the novel is shocking and climactic. The tragic nature of life becomes clearer. Life continues despite those sufferings. You can see how the different situations affect characters. We all feel abandoned and left out by others. Depression and loneliness are real threats, but we are not invincible.


  • kaylynnnewman

    I am Kaylynn Newman, an educational blogger and mother. I am passionate about helping others learn and grow, and I believe that education is the key to a successful future. I am a teacher's helper and an Adolescent/Teen education advocate. I also offer online coursework and resources for parents and educators.